Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Morning walks

Morning walks have been cooler, interesting and prettier lately.

The cactus sure have been cooler.

The sky has been prettier.

And the Halloween decorations have been very interesting. Who ever thought of
 Hello Kitty in Halloween decorations? 

Dorothy 2016

My mother in law, Dorothy. We met when I was barely 16 years old. Her son is my first real boyfriend. She lives in a very musical, Baptist world. My family rarely has music playing. No one plays or sings and we are Catholic.
But she took me into her family. She drove the school bus for my younger siblings. It seems our families were destined to be connected.
Dorothy was a kind and generous lady. She never had a bad thing to say about anyone. Even when someone was unkind or didn't treat her as they should. She still found a way to let it go and say something nice.
Dorothy passed away this past week. We have been able to spend this past 1 1/2 years close to her. And I am so thankful for that.
We have loved her. And I thank God for her and her son.  She will be missed.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Cool walk

It was the first morning that it was cool during my walk. Not chilly. And I still did sweat. Ha ha But it was lovely.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Grandparents Day

This past week was grandparents day at MJs school!
For kindergarten and 1st grade, they had made things and written letters for us in their room.
From now on, you only get to have lunch with them. Blah.
Don't get me wrong. We love having lunch with her. But we miss the rest.
She is growing up so fast.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11
Thank you, God. For the many blessings
we enjoy every day. While the memories
of the day 9/11/2001 are devastating and
scary, we are blessed that our country
has survived it. And we continue to have
yet another year to remember it.
To remember the brave and amazing
stories that have come from that day.
I am thankful for this day.

Friday, September 9, 2016

New Honor Flight Season

The Honor flight season started this past week. They will be adding Korean veterans in now as there are fewer and fewer ww2 vets. Which is sad. But so many have made the amazing trip. Which is incredible.

I look forward to attending as many as possible. There is nothing like it.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


I have found myself rather proud lately.
I pick an area and go through everything
in that area. I have had bag after bag fill
up with garbage. Its amazing how stuff
can pile up.
True Story.