Monday, March 30, 2015

Les Miserables - 25 March 2015

Les Miserables
25 March 2015
Chalon and I went to see Les Miserables at
the Arizona Broadway Theater.

We weren't sure how much to expect. It turned out to be
fabulous. I teared up at all the best places. The set was
astonishingly good. The acting was terrific.
We were both incredibly impressed with the singing.
After the show, we got to meet some of the cast.
Jean Valjean (blond) and Javert

I am not sure how to spell her name. Epine.
She is the friend in love with Marius.
And that hair is real! All hers. Incredible.
She attributes it to her Jewish ancestors.

Again, not sure how to spell it. Phantime.
Incredible voice.
We had a great time. Wish we could see it again.
Instead, we will look forward to maybe taking
Miley to see A Christmas Carol.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wonderful husband


I always know I have a wonderful husband.
But there are moments that I am reminded
of reasons.
When we were flying recently, I wound up
in the middle seat next to him. It was only
a two hour flight. And I was tired. So I
leaned my head over on his shoulder. I had
not thought for some time how I love his
shoulders. Always have. They are perfect
for resting my head on.
His arms are a safe place when he holds me.
His handsome face and beautiful eyes that I
get to look at every day.
Its easy to over look these things. But because
I was in the middle seat, I was reminded.
I also had a lovely rest on that flight.


Dallas-March9-10, 2015

Dallas, Texas
March 9-10, 2015
This year, Terry has something called a
Buddy Pass on Southwest. For a year.
I can travel free with him whenever he is
flying. Fabulous. First up, Dallas. Its only
a one night trip. Which works out perfect.
There is not much in Dallas we are all that
excited to see.
The George W Bush Museum and Library.
Its only been opened a couple of
years. So its still such a work in progress.
But it does have some very cool stuff. And its set up
very well. You can listen to people talking in each 
section without being disturbed by other sections.

Great pictures. The 9/11 section is really well done.
There is a replica of the Oval Office. You can walk around in.
Sit at the desk. Take a picture. Its pretty cool.

We both really enjoyed it. Not as good as
Ronald Reagans. But they have had a longer time
to make it better. But it was very nice and worth
going to see.
We also wanted to drive by the "grassy knoll''.
I know, its kind of morbid. But its such a part of
history. Thing is, it is so different now. There is an
over pass running along it. Makes the grassy
part seem very small and closed in. Not like the
pictures you see. They have built things and there
is very little about it that looks like the pictures we
have all seen.

 We went. We saw.
The best I will say about Dallas, the people

were fabulous. Everywhere we were.
But now, I don't need to go there again.



Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hawaii 2015 Day 7

Hawaii 2015
Day Seven
Saturday, February 7
Up early to travel. Sadly, we are leaving
Kona and the big island. When we come back,
we will go straight to Hawaii. There is so much we
did not have time to do. We will be back.
 Back to the outdoor airport in Kona.
This statue was in the middle of the airport.

Onto the little plane
for the flight back to Oahu. Such beautiful places to see
from the plane. We landed and picked up the car. Straight
to Pearl Harbor. Perfect weather. We got our tickets to take
 the boat ride out to the USS Arizona.
We saw this fence on the way. Wow!

If you are ever headed here, keep this in mind. I saw
a couple of young ladies on our way out doing the pretty
girl flirty thing trying to get in with their purses. Even little
tiny purses. Nope. But you can take your camera.

Its a pretty awesome sight when you first see it.
I will tell you something else, it was an incredible
place to see. Enormous battle ships, all shapes and
sizes. Everywhere.

The Ranger inside said that at the rate the oil
is leaking, it will likely last about 75 years. I am not
sure if you can see them, but there are fish in there.
Living in that oily water. Surprised me!



That submarine is the Bowfin.
You can tour it. But sadly, we did not have
time. We chose to tour the USS Missouri instead.

The USS Missouri could accurately shoot its
ammo 22 miles away. Seems impossible.
Makes me wonder what modern day
equipment can do!!

Life size statue outside the Missouri.
On our way back, there was a band playing.
The Marine Forces Pacific Band.
They were incredible!! When they were done,
I wanted a picture. As my poor husband always
does, he got to take the camera. He asked me who
I was going to ask for a picture? I told him anyone
that I can get! The whole group were sweet enough
to gather round me. It was very nice of them.
Terry said I was blushing.
Oh, well, ok, maybe I was, a little. haha
After our time here, we were determined to
find a particular building and statue.

It was not easy! haha If you have ever driven
in the Downtown Waikiki area, you will know.
No parking at all. But I got pictures as we drove by!
We were both so excited to have found it!
It was our last adventure on this trip.
Well, I should not say that. We found a Kmart and
Terry had not gotten a tshirt yet.
Kmart is always
 an adventure.

Now, the next day, we flew out.
We both saw a whale breaching as we
headed out over the pacific and back to
LA and then Phoenix.


Hawaii 2015 Day 6

Hawaii 2015
Day Six
Friday, February 6
Our last day on the big island. It was hard
to decide what to do on this day. Our list was
long of things we wanted to see. In the end, we
went to Turtle Beach. It was fabulous. We were
so sorry that we didn't have time to snorkel. 
It would have been a fabulous place to do it.  
You can see out past the lava the water changes.
Beyond the smooth to the darker blue. That's where
you could snorkel. That is Whitebear sitting out there.

A sweet little girl about Mileys age came up to me after
we took pictures of Whitebear. She asked if he was my bear.
I told her that Whitebear belongs to my granddaughter. But she
could not come on this trip, so Whitebear came instead. She told
me how there was someone that could not come with her either.
Her daddy. He was at home in the hospital. I don't know any more
than that. But her mom and grandparents were there with her. She
was sad about it. I was wishing I had a stuffed animal to give her.

We could not stay very long. So we were getting ready to
go when Terry looked out and saw people watching something.
Turned out the turtles did show up. I think we saw maybe 6
of them. Every one was marked. The number & letter was
carved into their shell. One had the antenna.

They were pretty good size. Their shells were
between 18-36 inches long. There weren't many people
there. Maybe 6? Even the little girl did not attempt to
touch them. Just watched and asked questions.
When we go back, we will schedule a day. Just for
Turtle Beach.
We stopped at a fabric store on the way back. I bought
some lovely fabric. I have no idea what I will do with it.
But when I come up with the idea, I will have it.

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was time
to get dressed for the luau. It was pretty Hollywood.
But a lot of fun. We had a great time. The food was

Now, time to call it a night. We fly very early
in the morning. Leaving behind the big island.
Headed to Oahu.