Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dallas-March9-10, 2015

Dallas, Texas
March 9-10, 2015
This year, Terry has something called a
Buddy Pass on Southwest. For a year.
I can travel free with him whenever he is
flying. Fabulous. First up, Dallas. Its only
a one night trip. Which works out perfect.
There is not much in Dallas we are all that
excited to see.
The George W Bush Museum and Library.
Its only been opened a couple of
years. So its still such a work in progress.
But it does have some very cool stuff. And its set up
very well. You can listen to people talking in each 
section without being disturbed by other sections.

Great pictures. The 9/11 section is really well done.
There is a replica of the Oval Office. You can walk around in.
Sit at the desk. Take a picture. Its pretty cool.

We both really enjoyed it. Not as good as
Ronald Reagans. But they have had a longer time
to make it better. But it was very nice and worth
going to see.
We also wanted to drive by the "grassy knoll''.
I know, its kind of morbid. But its such a part of
history. Thing is, it is so different now. There is an
over pass running along it. Makes the grassy
part seem very small and closed in. Not like the
pictures you see. They have built things and there
is very little about it that looks like the pictures we
have all seen.

 We went. We saw.
The best I will say about Dallas, the people

were fabulous. Everywhere we were.
But now, I don't need to go there again.




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