Hawaii 2015 Day 4
Hawaii 2015
Day Four
Wednesday, February 4
This was a busy day! Our Big Island Diver activity is
in the evening. Swimming with the Manta Rays after dark.
But that meant we had the day to fill.
We jumped in the car heading north to Hawi. They have
a statue of King Kamehameha. I do not know the history.
Only that they have a series of them that are obviously very
important to Hawaii. It was a beautiful drive. And very cool
to see. There was a steady stream of other tourists coming
to see him too. We stopped in a small town to look at the
shops. We found Castro right outside a cigar shop.
He was hanging loose. haha
At one of the shops, a lady insisted the
Whitebear would take a good picture posing
on her fountain.
At one of the shops, a lady insisted the
Whitebear would take a good picture posing
on her fountain.
There were so many beautiful places to stop.
It was just a wonderful drive.
Then it was time to head out to the marina.
Our Big Island Divers captain was Patrick.
And he had two helpers. I could not find a
picture of Lori. She was marvelous. And
Emily was wondergirl. I call her girl because
she is so young to me. She was amazing.
They all took very good care of us. They did
They all took very good care of us. They did
everything possible to make sure we had a great time.
I had only one issue with this night. Patrick repeatedly
agreed the water was rough, yes, but not dangerous.
He is the expert and I agree. But if you are taking people
He is the expert and I agree. But if you are taking people
out to snorkel, you should do your best to make sure they
will have something to see and will be as comfortable as
possible. Divers can go down deep where the water is fine.
They have a chance of seeing things. But in such a deep place
and with the water so rough, it would not be a fun time for
people snorkeling. Especially people that aren't experts.
We really would have had no chance of seeing much of
anything during a snorkel in this place.
It was set up to be a two part event.
I had thought it was to be snorkeling
in a cove somewhere and then we would move out to
the place to swim with the mantas. But it was not that way.
First the water was very rough. The first part snorkeling
was to take place in the same place as the ray swim. The
water was so rough. The boat was rocking every which way.
I did not think it looked like fun for us snorkelers.
There were 5 scuba divers on this trip and they were fine.
But they would be down where the water is quiet. Snorkelers
would be thrown all over the place. It was so deep,
there was nothing for the snorkelers to see. I asked
the divers and even they said they didn't see much. And that
was 40 feet down. So I did not get in for the snorkeling. It was
just too crazy rough to be floating on top.
Then it was time for the manta swim. I was so determined
and so excited to do this. The water was still crazy rough.
But they have a raft thing out there for snorkelers to hold
on to. Divers go down and lay on the bottom. They each
have a light. They have lights mounted on the bottom.
They have guides all over also with lights. The boats and rafts
all have lights. It is an awesome sight. The lights attract the
plankton. That attracts the sea life.
Between the divers planted
on the bottom and the snorkelers bobbing around on the top,
there were thousands of fish and bubbles rising up. Eventually
a majestic amazing ray floats in. It glides thru in pure grace.
I gasped and sucked in a bunch of ocean water. Then, another
ray floated thru. The people on the boat said they were
probably about 10 feet across. It was the most awesome sight!!
After a little while more waiting, I was getting cold.
After a little while more waiting, I was getting cold.
My mouth was totally dry from the salt water. And my tummy
was not entirely happy. I looked up to see what was happening
above water. Lori, the guide with my raft, was looking right at me,
asking if I was all right. I felt like we had only been there a
short time. But I didn't think I could last much longer, so I
asked her to take me in. It was a pretty long swim back to the
boat and the water was still rocking. I took in plenty more ocean
water on the way back as I followed Lori. I got in the boat,
which is no easy feat! Sat down, just as I was catching my
breath, my stomach rebelled! Big time. I fed the fishes. Oh boy, did I
feed them good. Over and over. Terry was happy as he finally
got to see the fishes. They swarmed. I wasn't the only one. I
was surprised to see two of the scuba people hanging over the
side as well. I guess because the water was so rough.
A few minutes after I sat down, the divers started arriving back
to the boat. There weren't any more rays. So I was glad I didn't
miss anything.
It was the thrill of a lifetime. If we get back there, I will do it
It was the thrill of a lifetime. If we get back there, I will do it
again, gladly. I will try to remind myself to take pictures too.
This time, I completely forgot.
The end of day 4. I can't believe how fast this vacation is going.
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