Monday, August 29, 2016


I broke land speed records this morning. Well, maybe not. But my own records. I noticed recently that my step count had gone down. I don't look at it every day. Anyway, I mentioned it to Terry. He said I was probably walking faster and taking longer strides. I am trying to walk faster. So maybe he is right. It's kind of a bummer. I suppose I will have to start walking farther. Ha ha Some day.
Here is the thumbnail moon this morning.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Went out after all.....

So I kept looking outside.
A while later, the sun was behind the clouds and it was calling me to come out. There was a beautiful breeze. Because of the clouds, the temperature was lower than normal. So off I went. Staring at the amazing morning sky as I walked. How lucky am I?

Rained out....

Rained Out......
Grrr.....Rained out from my walk
two days in a row. I would not mind
walking in the rain. Actually, I would like
that. But its when I see the lightning.
I dont know how far away it is.
And I would feel so stupid if I happened
to be struck by lightning.
Then I would have to say......
 "Yes, I went out there on purpose
even though I saw lightning."

Monday, August 22, 2016

Catch up post

Terry and I went to see Ben-Hur last night. Excellent movie!

And here are some wonderful sunrise pictures.

And some pictures of sweet MJ.

And now, I am all caught up!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Great reminder.....

I saw this on Facebook the other day....

Gosh, what a thought. How lucky am I to have met this wonderful man!

I don't even want to think.....
I am so very lucky.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Just a magnificent sunrise

The sun coming up is always wonderful. But some mornings, it is more amazing than other days.

Today was one of those days. 
It just went on and on.
Changing and more impressive 
every minute.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Ever notice trees?

This morning, I sat at one of my favorite rest spots. Near a fountain. As I sat, my head tipped back. There was a wonderful breeze. I opened my eyes to see an evergreen. Of course, I had seen it loads of times. But this time, I paid attention.

It was fuzzy looking. The needles looked soft and fuzzy. 
Just something I never noticed before.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

So lucky

I am very lucky to have friends. I don't always go out of my
way to make friends. I should work on that.
But I am lucky to have a lovely friend, B.
She and I started going to lunch years ago.
Back when we first started, we both were always
trying to be the one to pay. haha
Then finally, one of us came up with a plan.
We take turns. We go out every few weeks.
When its my turn, I pick her up, I pick the place,
I pay. When its her turn, she does.
It works out very well. We get to see each other
regularly. Occasionally, we go to a movie before
lunch. We usually do a little shopping after.
We both like the crafty stores, sometimes we walk
the mall as we chat.
Its wonderful to see her. And today was one of
our lunches.
I am so lucky to have her in my life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It's such a fine line.....

Being a grandma has been so wonderful. The greatest pleasure. We enjoy it so much. But there is this very fine line.....a very close area....that you have to be careful of.
I try so hard. To keep my opinions to myself. To keep my ideas to myself. To only say good things about everyone. To think 5 steps ahead to how a comment can be taken.
But being human, I fail.
It hurts when I can tell that I have disappointed or overstepped.
Again, I falter. And no matter how hard I try. No matter what I try to do in the positive way.
I have said sorry. I have said sorry so many times.
And still, my imperfections seem to always be large.
No matter how much I get right.
Gosh, love is tough sometimes.
But I would never trade it.
Thank you, God. For allowing me the blessing of every minute I get with her and my children.
Not every mother gets these things.
And today, mj starts second grade. We are so proud of her.

Monday, August 8, 2016


I hear roosters just about every morning. But I must have been an even more rooster heavy area today. I could hear so many. I have been told they like to eat scorpions. I don't know if it's true. I can only say I have not seen a single scorpion since we moved here 12 years ago. And most of that time, our next door neighbor have had chickens. Coincidence?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

It's been a nice weekend

Another very warm walk this morning. Not complaining. Because I know the day will come when it's cold and I don't want to get out in it. Ha ha
But for today, I found another cactus with some flowers. And loads of bees.

I really didn't expect to find any more of them. And you can see how rare they are. With so many bees. 
There was a lovely morning sky. 

It's been a nice weekend with Terry singing. By himself. He has not done that in a long time. But I liked it. He said he felt like it was flat without the back up and harmony. But I thought it was good old times.

Wish I could post a video. I do love to hear him sing.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

I am still walking....

I am still walking......
Every day! :-)
While I am walking sometimes, a thought will flit through my head.
And I think, I should write that down. Even though I am sure
it would never be of any interest to anyone but me. I have heard
people say that writing like this is good. In a year or two or ten, its
supposed to be fun to go back and reread my ramblings. But I
doubt that most of it will be of any interest to even me.
(sunrise in Philidelphia, The George
Washington Bridge)
This morning, the book I was listening to wasn't holding my
interest at all, so I turned it off. Deciding I would rather just walk
in the quiet. And I started thinking how the sun is coming up
in a different place than before. This isn't the first time I have ever
noticed something like this. But now, it effects my morning walk.
I don't know what time sunrise was when I first started walking
every day. But I know it is much later now.
I was getting out of the house by 04:20 to avoid the sun.
Now, if get out by 05:15, I am all good with that.
I have a variety of places that I walk so I have a chance of
seeing the sunrise. Now, I have to alter the direction I am
walking to see the lovely clouds and colors of the coming
I have noticed all this before, of course. But I still don't
know why it happens. I guess I really don't care. If I
did, I could easily google it.
Now, I am curious to see how fascinating I find this
in a year or two or 10. haha

Monday, August 1, 2016


You often hear comediennes and "experts" commenting on how women
do all the talking and men do not listen. Which is 1 million% true.
My husband does not hear probably about 85% of what I say. I know,
he thinks he hears more. But he has proven over and over that he does not.
And it really does not matter what I talk about. Even if I am talking about
music or his camper, he rarely listens to what I am saying. He thinks he
is listening. But really, he is thinking about something else.
Now, its also true that I love to talk. But I think I am a pretty good listener.
Yesterday afternoon, we went to a church in Dewey, Arizona. Its about
1 1/2 hours away. We have gone there several times. And usually, either
I am talking or its just quiet. Which is usually fine with me too. If its just a
calm quiet. But yesterday, he was talking too. Like actually talking.
He talked and then I talked and then he talked and then I talked.
Like we actually heard what each other was saying.
We talked about things that matter. Important things. Funny things.
About a lot of things. And I was wishing the trip would go on a
lot longer. It does not happen often that we get to talk like
that at any length. It was a wonderful time.
And I know God was blessing us with that time.
Thank you, God.